Planning to visit?
If you plan to visit a service, send us a quick note by filling out the CONNECT! form below. Someone will be happy to show you around and help you get comfortable!
What kind of church is Calvary Chapel?
At Calvary Chapel, we strive to communicate the truths of the Bible in a relevant, understandable way. Our services have a contemporary flavor and provide insights that you can use the rest of your week. We also feature an extensive network of small groups that meet in homes and in our facility. Individuals and couples find friendship, spiritual growth and fun through participation in these groups. We are an independent and self-governing church not subject to any association or denominational structure.
Will you ask me for money?
No. If you are our guest at Calvary Chapel, please don't feel any obligation to open your wallet. In fact we don't want anyone to give money (or do anything) out of guilt. Those of us who have made this our church home, give back to God a portion of what he has generously given us, with grateful and joyous hearts.
Can I raise funds for my ministry or cause at your church?
As a church we receive weekly requests for support and donations from many worthy causes. The financial situation of many public and private schools has put enormous pressure on students and parents to participate in various fundraisers. We want to be fair in providing access to our communications tools for those within our fellowship, and to community as a whole. Our electronic and print media are reserved for Calvary Chapel Chelmsford events. We also allow for fundraising activities for ministries we actively support as a church, such as our annual Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive. Individuals may not use our media or resources to raise funds. We may, however, allow informational emails about fundraising events to be sent via our Google Group, as long as they are not merely fundraising solicitations. If you need additional clarification, contact the church office at
What are the services like?
We work hard to make sure your experience at Calvary Chapel is one that is relevant and welcoming. Our Worship services generally feature thirty minutes of singing with a live band, a time of prayer, and a message from the bible. Sunday 10:00 a.m. is a group of 200 people with childcare and Sunday School for Infants through 9th Grade
How will I know where to go?
As you enter the front door you will find a welcome desk and helpful volunteers who can answer any of your questions.
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in. People who attend Calvary Chapel wear everything from business wear to jeans, shorts and sandals.
Will I have to sign anything, say anything or be singled out in any way?
No. We want to get to know you, but more importantly, we want you to be comfortable. We want you to remain as anonymous as you want to be. The only thing we ask guests to do is fill out the information you're comfortable with on a guest information card. It lets us know you visited. We will not contact you unless you ask us. (Your personal info is safe — we don’t share it with any outside source!)
What about my kids?
Sunday 8:30 offers childcare for infants through age 5. Older children are welcome to sit with their parents. Sunday 10:00 a.m. offers nursery and preschool at the start of the service; older children sit with their parents during the singing and are released to various age-appropriate classes. We have a Mother and Infant room with comfortable seating, soft lighting, and a video feed of the service. Please take the time to read through Making Room for Children, which gives more detailed information.
Parents with children in Nursery through Preschool check in at the Welcome Desk.
If you have children with special needs please feel free to contact us so we can assist you however possible. Visit our Special Needs page for more information on how we strive to serve you, including our group "Supporting Parents with Special Needs Children", a networking and support group for parents of students with educational needs, physical disabilities, and/or mental health challenges
What do you have for teenagers?
“reGeneration” is our Friday night ministry which offers a
full slate of activities and spiritual development opportunities for students
in Grammar School (grades 1-5), Middle School (grades 6-8) and High School
(grades 9-12). On Sunday mornings we have a class for 7-9th grade and older high school students join us in the
auditorium for our worship service.
Can I rent your facility?
We do not rent our facility to outside individuals or groups.
We are looking for a minister to marry us, can we book one of your ministers?
Our ministers do not marry individuals outside of the church membership.
What if I need help with my problems or just someone to talk to?
People matter to God, so they matter to us! After a service simply walk up to the front of the auditorium and you will find a helpful volunteer that will be willing to assist you. Please go to our Care page to learn more about how we can help you. You can also indicate your need on guest information card or send us an email at
What is Your Inclement Weather Policy?
Here is how decisions are made on winter storms:
- Snow less than six inches - generally no cancellations but decisions are made based on specific conditions and timing of storms/services.
- Snow/Ice 6-11inches - possible cancellation of specific services - check church website for updates before heading to service.
- Storms with snow of 12 inches or more - all services canceled.
All storms - Be safe, don't travel if concerned, situations vary across the Merrimack Valley, be safe! We communicate cancellations via our online community. If you are not already a member please join!